Physical Therapy Info Health Tips

Physical Therapy Info Health Tips

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The Evolution of Energy Medicine to Science Based Medicine to Integrative Medicine

Science Medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the biochemistry of cells, tissue, and organs. Energy Medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the energy fields of the body that organize and control the growth and repair of cells, tissue, and organs.

Today we talk more and more about the combination or understanding of both paradigms and languages, an Integrative approach that is able to view health and the body in a multidimensional way. The advances of science have lead us to unbelievable breakthroughs and understanding of the most complex concepts of the human body, technology has advanced so fast that we have gain good years to life expectancy and have reduce enormous amounts of suffering.

On the other hand Energy Medicine has also increased in popularity and has empower millions of patient to be active participants in their recovery, it has change the roll of the patient to one that with its thoughts, lifestyle, food and environment can change their outcome in any given health challenge. Energy medicine returns the control back to the patient. It teaches people to be mindful, to know themselves better and to be happy and companionate beings.  Happy, positive patient have a better chance to heal.

So when we understand and find that guide, that doctor or institution that will help us use all this information, and that can separate from the disease and see the totality of that person, that can Integrate the best of science and also understand the more subtle forces of the mind.  That can see every single patient as an individual case and not as a statistic. Then you know you have found GOOD medicine.

Medicine is evolving and new generation of doctors and patient are slowly broadening their definitions of health, medicine, lifestyle, happiness, disease, mindfulness, happiness, friends  … terms that were once not part of the science books are now appearing and are being knit in this new exciting generation of MEDICINE.

By: Susan Gail Farkas, Integrated Physical Therapy Nutrition
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