Physical Therapy Info Health Tips

Physical Therapy Info Health Tips

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Words From a Teenage Schroth Client

A person helping a person to do back exercises

Description automatically generatedI never thought I'd look forward to physical therapy, but here I am. As I stand in front of the mirror, I can see the curve in my spine – a constant reminder of why I'm here. But it doesn't feel as overwhelming anymore.

Dr. Brittany stands beside me, her presence reassuring. Her hands are gentle but confident as she guides my posture into the Schroth position. "Remember your breathing technique," she says softly. I take a deep breath, feeling my ribcage expand asymmetrically, just like we've practiced.

As I hold the position, I can sense the muscles in my back working differently than before. It's challenging, and sometimes uncomfortable, but it's a good kind of effort. Dr. Brittany's voice is encouraging, "That's it. Can you feel how your spine is responding?"

I nod, concentrating on the sensation. It's strange – I can actually feel the difference when I'm in the correct Schroth accentuated or corrected position. Like my body is learning a new way to hold itself.

A person helping another person to do exercises

Description automatically generatedThe clinic is quiet except for the sound of my breathing and Dr. Brittany's occasional instructions. Sunlight streams through the windows, highlighting the richness of the wood floors and artful posters of spinal anatomy on the walls. It feels empowering here, like a place where improvement is possible.

I catch another glimpse of myself in the mirror. My shoulders still aren't even, but I swear they look a little better than last month. It's gradual progress, but it's there.

As we finish the exercise, Dr. Brittany smiles at me. "Excellent work today," she says. I feel a spark of accomplishment. Maybe I can't straighten my spine overnight, but here, in this supportive clinic with Dr. Brittany's expertise, I feel like I'm actively participating in my own treatment, one precise movement at a time.

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